
Redoxblox has pioneered a new class of energy storage (thermochemical) that enables renewables to replace fossil fuels for industrial heat and power generation that is both lower carbon, and in many markets today, lower cost than natural gas.

Why we invested

Redoxblox is a bet that the continued, economy-wide decarbonization and electrification trends will finally reach the industrial sector. Industrial heat accounts for >10% of global carbon emissions today, as 90% of the energy used for industrial heating applications is provided by fossil fuels. To date, industrial heat decarbonization has been largely encumbered by low natural gas prices, industry conservatism on switching from a proven incumbent, and a lack of robust alternatives. Nevertheless, we believe that the industrial heating market is accessible to an electrical solution that can provide heat in a cost and form factor similar to gas-based products.  

Why this work matters

Replacing fossil fuels in industrial heat and power generation has the potential to address nearly 50% of global carbon emissions. The company’s TCES units store energy both chemically and as heat at very high temperatures that can be discharged continuously or as needed directly into industrial processes or as an energy source for electricity generation. The system can be fast charged when electricity prices are low or during surplus renewables generation and discharged as needed.

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