Vaulted Deep

Vaulted Deep, a biomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS), puts organic waste to work by injecting it deep underground for permanent carbon removal to slow climate change and safeguard local communities and ecosystems.

Why we invested

By 2030, the world needs to be on pace to remove several gigatons of CO2 per year to stave off the worst effects of climate change.  Vaulted will be a key piece of the solution. Their system is low-cost, scalable, permanently stores carbon and has considerable co-benefits.

Why this work matters

Globally, mankind produces 15 gigatons of organic waste every year. Much of this waste isn’t productively used, releasing harmful pollutants and pathogens to our atmosphere and communities. Our technology puts this organic waste to work by injecting it deep underground and preventing the release of harmful greenhouse gases and pollutants. Vaulted’s technology has the potential to remove 5 gigatons of carbon in the coming years.

Interested in working with Vaulted Deep?

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